In Spanish, there's a very popular saying, "Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres," which translates to "Tell me who you hang out with and I will tell you who you are." While staying with my sister's childhood friend in Ann Arbor, I was reminded of this while observing these two friends, Ann and Yaseen, who have known each other for years. The evening was spent recounting stories, catching up on times lost, and laughing at their old selves from long ago. This story was my favorite of the Annie from elementary school.
Ann: Remember that 4th grade history test on the Alamo?
Yaseen: No...
Ann: I remember it because I was so baffled by how I got a check minus and you got a perfect score. I wrote an entire paragraph in response to this one question on what happened at the Alamo. I listed dates and names of generals. You only wrote down three words..."
Yaseen: Yes, I remember! "Many...Texans...died." BOOM! ONE HUNDRED PERCENT! (He throws both arms in the air)
They are both laughing now.
Ann: I kept looking at both our papers, confused by the results.
Yaseen: That was redemption Annie for all the times you beat me on those tests. Thanks for reminding me. How could I forget that?!
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